Filmes Experimentais Portugueses
MONSTRA - Festival de Animação de Lisboa
Sessão de cinema

MONSTRA à Solta: Filmes Experimentais Portugueses

09.02 - 20h30

Sessão: 60 minutos

Entrada Livre

Sala de Espetáculos

A "MONSTRA à Solta" retorna a nossa tela, para as sessões de quarta-feira com três propostas diferentes para este mês de fevereiro. A primeira apresenta uma longa de animação brasileira, que propõe desvendar os enigmas da animação e descobrir formas de se contar uma história, destaque para uma das vozes que é da cantora Elza Soares. A segunda sessão apresenta um conjunto de curtas experimentais portuguesas, envoltas de muitos temas e abstração, da Bauhaus à vitamina C, passando por um conjunto de trailers em formato 35mm encontrados em cinemas abandonados. E a terceira sessão, traz longas premiadas ao longo de várias edições da Monstra, festival que veio direto de Lisboa para o Porto para tornar as nossas noites de quarta mais interessantes. 



Portugal, 2018, 7’

Maria Constanza Ferreira

Via is the result of a year long investigation into how we connect with the material world through digital images. Consulting with a Remote Sensing Scientist, I studied macro-geographic visual structures and surveyed the earth digitally while collecting thousands of images.  This film features imagery collected through Google Street view from seemingly infinite one point perspective roads from all around the world as well as digitally manipulated satellite photographs found through Google Earth and the United States Geological Survey Database.

Vitamine C Crystals (Lattice)

Portugal, 2018, 2’

Maria Constanza Ferreira

Raw footage of Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) Crystals growing between crossed polars. These time-lapse clips (each taking up to two days to record) were used to create the short film Lattice.

Le Plaisir du mouvement - II

Portugal, 2018, 1’

José-Manuel Barata Xavier

Flipbook created from his playful ink drawings researching movement.

6 Essais sur le mouvement -1

Portugal, 2006, 1’

José-Manuel Barata Xavier

A selection from José Xavier's series of studies 6 Essays on Movement, focused on his more abstract pieces. The brief animations are complemented with a work from 2006 titled MiFa.

6 Essais sur le mouvement -2

Portugal, 2006, 1’

José-Manuel Barata Xavier

A selection from José Xavier's series of studies 6 Essays on Movement, focused on his more abstract pieces. The brief animations are complemented with a work from 2006 titled MiFa.

6 Essais sur le mouvement -5

Portugal, 2006, 1’

José-Manuel Barata Xavier

A selection from José Xavier's series of studies 6 Essays on Movement, focused on his more abstract pieces. The brief animations are complemented with a work from 2006 titled MiFa.


Portugal, 2020, 1’

José-Manuel Barata Xavier

A selection from José Xavier's series of studies 6 Essays on Movement, focused on his more abstract pieces. The brief animations are complemented with a work from 2006 titled MiFa.

compositio III

Portugal, 2012, 8’

Sandra Ramos, Bernardo Sarmento, Sílvia Namorado, Miguel Pires de Matos, Miguel Simas

Animation commissioned by Monstra - International Animation Festival Lisbon.

The work is an experimental animation loosely inspired by the Bauhaus, world benchmark school for art and design.

The film was structured into three parts:

Compositio I: Sandra Cristina Ramos; cut-out and oil paint on glass

Compositio II: Bernardo Sarmento and Sílvia Namorado; stop-motion animation

Compositio III: Miguel Pires de Matos and Miguel Simas; 2D digital animation.


Portugal, 2016, 3’

Pedro Ferreira

Genesis, the story of the origin of all existence, is artistically visualised through the animation of water rippling to sound vibrations. Mirroring the cycle of Mitosis, “cells” of water divide and multiply in a systematic process. Life itself creates. A cosmological examination of the origin, evolution and destiny of the universe, of the large-scale structures and dynamics within its chaos and randomness, moving towards annihilation and destruction. Rebirth.

Zasmażany Film

Portugal, 2013, 5’

Pedro Ferreira

A collage film, through storing the film stock in a pickled cucumber jar for a few days and cooking into the stove mixed with several spices, condiments, cleaning products and gluing personal objects to create intimacy, this 35mm handmade animation intends to give a closer view of the process of preparing and cooking a meal in analogy of preparing a film.

By overlapping images I explore the digital medium to create new interpretations, repetition and loop, manipulating and crossing mediums with the use of software.


Portugal, 2014, 2’

Yue Wang, Bruno Santos e Gonçalo Encarnação

This short film was inspired by John Cage's musical works, that broke the conventional rules of music, and by Gi Negrão's texts, that endowed the Line with unusual movements and dimensions. «Decipere», from the Latin to deceive. The work explores the first impression created by the Line, breaking its apparent linearity and showing its true potential through the construction of multidimensional shapes.

4 Estados da Matéria

Portugal, 2018, 13’

Miguel Pires de Matos

Filme de animação abstracto cujo tema principal é a “matéria”. Desenvolvido em 4 actos / andamentos, cada um deles formado por um universo gráfico e sonoro distinto, constitui-se como uma viagem pelos 4 principais estados da matéria: sólido, líquido, gasoso e plasma. Em cada uma destas partes coexistem 3 dimensões conceptuais, que correspondem a 3 áreas diferentes do conhecimento humano: a ciência, a arte e a religião. Estes 3 subtemas são as fontes de inspiração para a definição das formas e sons abstractos, bem como dos movimentos e ritmos que constituem as sequências animadas do filme.

Tom Tom

Portugal, 2021, 4’

João Levezinho

Portuguese interdisciplinary experimental illustrator and animator in the making.

He studies in the UK, obsessed with what can't be said trough words but can be better explained through visuals. Strongly influenced by transcending the physical world and the constraints of representational art by making the invisible visible,  Love is always at the center of his work.


Portugal, 2019, 2’


This work’s main goal is illustrating the mutation of a point into a line… It’s almost like analyzing under a microscope the composition of the point to observe how it evolves, generating new forms that will eventually create the line; to observe the computer raw-data of a point while processing the codes for the visualization of the new forms. The video was made animating digital hand-drawn frames, processed with filters to granulize the images step by step... Each frame is the result of the filtering on the previous one in a decomposition and re-composition of pixels, bringing a fluid-randomness look to the video. It’s about ordering the chaos while respecting its nature...


Portugal, 2004, 6’

Anabela Costa

Today it is a familiar word, connected to our current civilisation, related to the notion of complexity. And it seems impossible to live without it. Nevertheless, a web is -and always has been- a weapon; for fishing, for hunting.

It as also commonly used for packing, packing everyday goods like fresh vegetables, potatoes, tomatoes, etc.

It is with this ordinary material that my WEB is built in a symbolic way.

A web is a weapon. Are we trapped inside it, like a fish?

Head Tail Rail

Portugal, 2013, 13’

Hugo Olim

The starting point of this film was a set of 35mm trailers acquired from various abandoned cinemas.

This work reveals the veiled and forgotten images used by the commercial film industry. In Head, Tail, Rail, the film leaders are regenerated to create new forms, bringing to the surface the obtuse side of filmic images.

Optical sound.


Portugal, 2017, 9’

João Pedro Oliveira

A tesseract, also defined as a hypercube, is the four-dimensional equivalent of the cube. This work presents a possible journey throughout the six faces of a cube, and how they can be transformed and projected into a tesseract using different processes: translation, rotation, fragmentation, explosion and implosion, etc.

22.02.09 - MONSTRA à Solta | Filmes Experimentais Portugueses





Saco Azul, Maus Hábitos,
Rua Passos Manuel 178

4º andar

4000-382 Porto

Produção & Programação Artística

Assessoria de Imprensa

22.02.09 - MONSTRA à Solta | Filmes Experimentais Portugueses

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22.02.09 - MONSTRA à Solta | Filmes Experimentais Portugueses
22.02.09 - MONSTRA à Solta | Filmes Experimentais Portugueses desenvolvido por Bondhabits. Agência de marketing digital e desenvolvimento de websites e desenvolvimento de apps mobile