Porto Femme #41

Sessão de cinema

Feminine Cinema Cycle – 41st Screening

27.10.2021 - 20h30

Duration: 70 min

Show Room

Session Presentation

October brings a new season of Femme Sessions, with the screening of the winners and other films that were part of the official competition of the 4th Edition of the Porto Femme International Film Festival, which took place from September 30th to October 5th.

Under the heading Cinema à Mesa, the Femme Sessions screen, on the last Wednesdays of each month, cinema made by women!

For this 41st session, we invite you to join us to watch four winning short films of the International Competition of this 4th Edition where Raquel Granda, director of the film “Rever”, winner of the best experimental film in this competition, will be present to talk about her film.

At the beginning of the session, we present the performance “Travessia Feminista - Experimento 03”, a creation and performance by Maria de Maria, which unites excerpts from two texts that deal with the well-defined roles that are attributed to women and the limits to which they are subject. Be it the territorial or behavioral boundary that, most of the time, try to delimit their spaces and censor their bodies.



Brazil/Portugal |19'19" | 2021

Director: Rita Brás  

Production: Rita Brás  


A journey of adventure and self-knowledge based on images discovered on the bridge between Brazil and Portugal, during the Covid-19 pandemic.


Czech Republic | 12’24" | 2019 

Director: Verica Pospíšilová Kordić

Production: Ondřej Šejnoha


Sylvie´s life beats in a rhythm of responsibilities. And she is efficient, flawless, wonderful and - tired. A small accident happens and everything changes... or maybe not.


France | 18'14" | 2020 

Director: Marie Cogné

Cast: Camille Hugues, Chloé Renaud, Jeanne Arènes, Julien Urrutia, Agnès Oudot, …

Production: Olivier Berlemont


Camille and I tells the story of a couple of women from 2003 to today through various key moments in its construction, from their coming-out to their marriage, including the birth of a child. We follow the genesis of this family sometimes in scenes of couples, sometimes through the eyes of others. Images or words, more or less striking, hurtful or funny, follow one another in a multitude of brief scenes, at different times, in different places, over the years.


France/Brazil | 03'22" | 2020 

Director: Raquel Gandra

Cast: Joyce Lainé, Raquel Gandra

Production: MTK Labs, Hernani Heffner, Raquel Gandra


Rever as in seeing for a second time (Portuguese), provided with the prefix of repetition, but also as in dreaming (French), close to the English word reverie as in daydreaming. This palindrome title invites us to see things for the first time, with fresh eyes, and to see them from beginning to end and from end to the beginning. To bring rhythm and ritual to the apparently meaningless and useless gestures so that we can resignify our presence in the landscape and in the image itself.

*Every last Wednesday of each month, the Maus Hábitos screens thematic cinema cycles in which the common denominator is films directed by women.

The aim is to give visibility to the work of women in the film industry, through the projection of their works and, whenever possible, their presence in the sessions, promoting the encounter between the public and the authors.



Saco Azul, Maus Hábitos,
Rua Passos Manuel 178

4º andar

4000-382 Porto

Produção & Programação Artística



Assessoria de Imprensa


20.10.27 -  Porto Femme #41

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20.10.27 -  Porto Femme #41
20.10.27 -  Porto Femme #41
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